Prenatal Chiropractic

Whether you’ve been planning your pregnancy or it was unexpected, pregnancy is an exciting time of growth and transformation for your body. Our team can help you move easier through your pregnancy.
Is It Safe?
Yes! Chiropractic care with a prenatal trained Chiropractor is viewed as generally safe and even encouraged by some OBGYN’s in our area. There are no known contraindications to Chiropractic adjustments throughout pregnancy. Chiropractic care is the health maintenance of the spinal column, disc and related nervous system structures without drugs or surgery. Using the art and science of adjusting misaligned joints, especially of the spine, Dr. Megan can help to reduce spinal nerve stress and therefore help promote health throughout the body. Our adjustment room consists of special tables and pregnancy pillows to assist in keeping you safe and comfortable during your treatment.
During pregnancy, there are several changes that occur in your body’s endocrine and physiological systems to create the environment for a developing baby. The nervous system is the master communication system to all the body systems including the reproductive system. Keeping the spine aligned helps the entire body work more effectively. Pelvic alignment is crucial to allowing the most amount of space to move into an ideal birth position. When the pelvis is misaligned, it may make it difficult for the baby to get into position for delivery. This can impact the ability for you to have a natural, non-invasive birth.
Is It Effective?
Absolutely! We get phenomenal results with our pregnancy patients. Most of our pregnant people are shocked at how much better they feel throughout pregnancy, how much more settled their baby feels and by how much it helps to ease the birthing process.
Signs that you should see a Chiropractor during your pregnancy-
1. You want to maintain the health of yourself and your baby
2. Protruding abdomen and increased back curve
3. Changes in the pelvic region-
-breeched baby, pubic discomfort, pelvic tilting and uneven walking
4. Postural adaptations due to growing baby
The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported in the July/August issue an 82% success rate of babies turning vertex when Doctors of Chiropractic used the Webster Technique.
Dr. Megan is Webster Certified through the ICPA. The Webster Technique is a pelvic balancing technique used to decrease undue stress in the uterus and supporting ligaments. This helps to create space and the pelvis so that baby can move into an ideal presentation for delivery. Optimal baby positioning at the time of birth eliminates the potential of difficultly labor and therefore, results in easier and safer deliveries for both parent and baby.
Check out more research like the link below on Dr. Megan is a part of this association and supports the research directed towards pregnancy and pediatric care.