The care we provide focuses on optimizing your nervous system function. This often results in improvements in your life in areas you may not have even considered problematic. Of course chiropractic care can help with aches and pains, but we also offer care that can improve your quality of life on a higher level. If you are interested in any of the following, or want to know if we can help you with something else, please schedule a consultation.
-Wellness -Depression -Acid Reflux -Insomnia -Sciatica -Carpal Tunnel Syndrome -Back Pain -TMJ Dysfunction -Surgery Prevention -Improved Adaptability -Subluxation-Asthma -ADD/ADHD -Anxiety -Digestive Issues -Shooting Pains -Headaches and Migraines -Numbness and Tingling
In our office we talk about phases of Chiropractic care.
1. Relief- We typically say this is where we help “put out the fire”. We address your pain relief needs as we also develop a game plan to help you deal with the cause of your symptoms long term.
2. Corrective- This is where we talk about postures and habits to help you re-establish a healthy approach to daily life while also addressing spinal misalignments (subluxations). The goal with this phase is to retrain your body to a better, less stressful alignment.
3. Wellness/ Maintenance- This is our goal for all of our patients. We want everyone to live pain free and move through life with MAXIMUM nervous system expression.
Not everyone moves through each phase of care at the same rate. We like a “tag-team” approach where we re-evaluate your needs throughout care to ensure the best fit. NO cookie cutter frequency recommendations for our patients. Your care is custom to you!!